Urban & Landscape/Ordinary Lives by Michael Crane


Michael Crane’s Urban & Landscape/Ordinary Lives (his second in the Flying Islands Pocket Poets Series) is a book well described by its title. The book deals with city grit and with rural reminiscences – a poetry of real people – but mainly about relations among the typically nameless and unnoticed persons of everyday life. Michael doesn’t believe writers should be the heroes of their work and that most people are more interesting than him. So the third section does not feature the author and includes poems about other people. There are poems here ranging from a woman who leaves for Cuba, to a prisoner dealing with life and death.

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Michael Crane has had many poems and stories published in Australian journals and newspapers, including Overland, Meanjin, Southerly, The Best Australian Poems 2011, 2014 & 2015. He was managing editor of the annual Literary Journal; The Paradise Anthology and organised Poetry Idol for The Melbourne Writers 2007 to 2012, He is currently the producer for Into The Limelight which is a film project featuring people dealing with a mental illness.

Also by Michael Crane:
Loose Kangaroos: Domain Press (1998)
The Lightmaster: Phoebe Press (1998)
A dog called Yesterday: Ninderry Press (2003)
Postcards from the End of the World – A Michael Crane sampler of Poetry and Prose: Paradise Anthology & Hillside Grove, (2013)
The Church of Contradictions Prose Poems: Paradise Anthology and Hillside Grove (2015)
Poems from the 29th Floor: Flying Islands Press (2019)

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