Store Application

Please complete the form below. If you have any questions please contact our Honorary Treasurer, John Burke at 040404 5410 or

The Flying Islands list of Stores operates in a similar way to eBay

We prefer to sell gift cards and/or vouchers as this gives the customer more flexibility when they visit your website. Also, there is no GST on the sale of vouchers and gift cards. The GST arises when the gift card or voucher is used to buy products and services. You can sell particular goods or services from your store on our platform but funds will be retained until we receive confirmation that the good or service was delivered to the customer. If you do sell particular goods or services from your store on our platform then you are responsible for the GST on the sale if you are registered for GST.

The process is the customer buys a gift card or voucher from your store on Flying Islands. We automatically notify you of the purchase and the customer’s details. You send them the code to use at the checkout on your website. When we receive the funds from the credit card processor, (Stripe), we remit the funds to your nominated bank account less an 8% commission. We pay the credit card processing fee and the GST on the commission out of the commission.

You are responsible for resolving any disputes with customers. If we are required to pay a customer a refund or any other compensation you will reimburse us for the amount paid out.

If you are approved we will set up your store for you. We will need:

  • Bank account details for transfer of funds. The name of the Bank, the name of the account, the BSB and the account number.
  • Your square logo, usually 250px X 250px
  • Your Store Banner 625px X 300px. Preferably any wording should be to the right side of the banner and near the centre vertically.
  • Your voucher or gift card image. This should preferably be 800px X 800px. If your image is an oblong shape it can be added to a white canvas of 800px X 800px. We can do this for you if you prefer.
  • Your physical address if you want the address to be displayed. We recommend displaying at least the town/suburb and the state.
  • A few short paragraphs about your business and why Flying Islanders should buy from your business.
If you are not required to have an ABN please state reason. Note having an ABN does not require you to b registered for GST unless you have revenue of more than $75,000 from businesses. As a general rule we require an ABN.
If the business is you please write “Self”.
If using a landline please include the area code.
If you do not offer gift cards and/or vouchers then you will need to be prepared to supply particular goods and services to the customer when notified of a purchase. Funds will also be retained until delivery of the good or service to the customer.
In particular we are interested in how your business demonstrates it is ethically and environmentally responsible.